Tag Archives: living in the moment

Who’s happy? Colombia’s happy!

WiN-Gallup International just posted the results of their “End of Year Survey: Global Barometer of Hope and Happiness 2013.”

And what do you know – Colombians are the happiest of the 50-something countries polled!  I’m a social scientist and I haven’t checked their method or data, but I’m willing to take this one at face value 🙂  Check out the report at the link below.

Click to access 38.pdf

A friend and I talked about how this past summer, while a group of us were in Colombia, a bus driver was shot (but not killed) and passengers were forced to hand over money to a robber.  A Colombian my friend spoke to said, “Oh yeah, that happens a lot here.”  “Aren’t you scared?” asked my friend.  “Sure, so we cherish every day we have with our families.  That’s why we have so much fun, because you never know what could happen!” replied our Colombian friend.

As someone who struggles with anxiety, I admire and appreciate that I come from a land of people who know the value of living in the moment.  I will try to adopt their cool and realistic perspective…